Monday, December 26, 2011

Send Holiday Postcards to your SqwishLand Buddies

The holidays are just around the corner. Have you greeted your SqwishLand Buddies a Happy Holidays yet? With so many friends in SqwishLand, it will take you more than an hour just to greet each one of them. But don’t worry. There's a faster and easier way to greet your buddies. Just send them a SqwishCard! 

1. Click the Buddies icon.

2. Your Buddy List window will open. Select the user name of the SqwishLand Buddy that you want to send a postcard to. Click the Send Postcard button.

3. Choose the postcard that you want to send. For the holidays, you can send the special Happy Holidays SqwishCard. Click the BUY button.

4. Take a final look at the card. All good? Click the SEND button.

5. You will be notified when your postcard has been sent successfully.

Go ahead and give it a try. I'm sure your SqwishLand Buddies will appreciate that you remembered them this holiday season!


virtual pets

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How to Resend Activation Code

One of the most important steps in creating a SqwishLand membership is activating your account using your parent's email address. If you still haven't activated your account because you did not receive any activation email, you should resend the activation code. I'll show you how:

1. In the SqwishLand login page, click the Resend Activation Code button. It's the blue one with the Sqwolphin.

2. After clicking the button, you will be directed to this page. Just type in your parent's email address and your user name, then hit SEND.

3. Ask your mom or dad to look for the activation email and follow the instructions to activate your account.

See you online!

- SqwishyJoey

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How to log out of SqwishLand

Since a lot of you are asking how to log out of SqwishLand virtual pet world, I'll show you the three easy ways of logging out:

1. Click the Refresh button.

 2. Click the X (close) button of the SqwishLand tab of your browser.
3. Click the X (close) button of your Internet browser. Just be careful not to click these buttons when you're playing the game. See you online!

 - SqwishyJoey