Thursday, August 25, 2011

New Way to Manage Your SqwishLand Buddies

Hi fellow SqwishLand fans! SqwishLand has a new Buddy management feature. It’s quite cool actually! Let me show you how to use it.
  1. The Buddies icon now has notifications when you have a pending Buddy request.

  1. User names of the SqwishLand players requesting to be added as your buddy will appear under the Buddy Request tab. Select a user name and click Accept or Reject.
  2. You will see all your buddies under the Buddy List tab. You will also know if your buddy is online or offline. By selecting a user name, you can choose to do any of the following: Send Postcard, Visit House, Search Buddy (know the current location of their SqwishLand avatar), and Remove Buddy.

Note: The Visit House and Search Buddy functions only work when your buddy is online.

I told you this new buddy feature’s cool!

Oh, before I forget, you’ll notice that your old buddies are not in the list. SqwishLand reset the buddy lists so you’ll just have to add them up again when you’re online.


Virtual Pets  

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How to join the Mighty Feathers Mighty Battle

Every two weeks, SqwishLand picks a minigame for the Mighty Feathers Mighty Battle. Whoever gets the top 3 highest scores by the end of the battle will win lots of Sqwash. Joining is easy, here’s how:

1. Log in to Upon entering the virtual world, you will instantly see an icon in the room. The icon depends on which minigame is chosen as the Mighty Feathers Mighty Battle. In this screenshot, there’s a fruit basket located at the back of the barn museum because the current minigame is Lala Food Fight.

2. Click on the fruit basket. You’ll see a pop-up window like this.

3. Click PLAY NOW. Enjoy the game and try to get the highest possible score!

4. If you played really well, you can be one of the top 3 highest scorers who will win lots of Sqwash!

Best of luck, guys! That easy SqwishLand tutorial was brought to you by SqwishyJoey!

Virtual Pets  

Monday, August 15, 2011

Pet SqwishLanders Level Up Too!

When you play in SqwishLand, it’s not just your avatar that gains XP points and levels up. Your SqwishLand pets do too! Let me show you how this happens and how you can check what their levels are:
1. Once you own a number of SqwishLand pets, you will have the option of which pet to walk with. The pet you you choose will gain XP points and level up with your avatar.

2. To check your pet’s level stat, select the pet and click Walk. Then click your avatar from the Character Panel. I’ve selected the Sqwig.

3. On the left side of the Info tab, you will see your pet’s statistic. Here you can see that the pet Sqwig is at Level 1 and has XP points of 28/50. Once its XP points reach 50/50, it will level up.

4. Your pet can only gain XP points and level up if you select it as a pet and play minigames with it.
There you have it, a guide on how your SqwishLanders level up. So keep playing and earning those points!

See you online!
Virtual Pets  

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How to Use the SqwishLand Panel Part 2

6. Sqwishcard. Here you can see your virtual emails from your buddies.

7. SqwishLand Gallery. If you want to get a new SqwishLand pet or just see the huge collection of SqwishLanders, click this icon.

8. Quest. Take on quests to win special items and earn Sqwash and XP points. Going on quests also allows you to earn more about SqwishLand.

9. Buddies. Click this icon to view and manage your list of SqwishLand buddies.

10. News. The SqwishTimes is SqwishLand’s official newspaper. If you want to know the latest news on SqwishLand, click the icon and read up!

11. Inventory. Click this to view and manage the items that you already bought.

12. SqwishMap. Use the SqwishMap to find your way around the virtual world of SqwishLand.

That was really easy, right? The SqwishLand panel comes in really handy whenever you play, so it’s best that you know how to use it.

See you online!

Virtual Pets  

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How to Use the SqwishLand Panel

Hi guys! For this week’s tutorial, I’ll show you how to use the SqwishLand panel. But wait. You might be wondering, “What’s the SqwishLand panel?” It’s the row of icons at the bottom of your game screen that you can use to do a lot of fun things.


1. Let’s start from the left. First is the Actions icon. 

These are things that your avatar can do, like the Wave.

2. Next is the Throw icon. You can throw things like water balloons. Just use your mouse to choose a target.

3. Then we have the Quick Chat icon. You can choose from a list of ready-to-use words and phrases when chatting with other SqwishLand players. 

4. Emoticons. These are cute smileys or symbols that you can use to express yourself when chatting with your buddies.

5. Chat box. Just type in anything that you want to say in the empty box. You can use this when you want to have longer conversations with other players.
To be continued..

Virtual Pets  

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Let’s Play Dress Up!

I really like changing my avatar’s look every now and then. Who doesn’t anyway? Yes it can get costly sometimes, but dressing my avatar up—especially during holidays like Easter and Christmas—can be really fun. There are also games organized by the mods that require players to wear specific costumes to be able to join. So for today, I’ll be showing you how to buy costumes for your avatar.

1. Find a Sqwop, and click Avatars.

2. A pop-up message will appear. Browse through the costumes until you decide which one you like.

3. I personally like hip hop music, so I think I’ll get this hip hop head. Click Try to see what it looks like on your avatar.

4. If you like it and you’d like to make the purchase, click Buy.

5. A pop-up message will confirm that you’ve successfully bought the item.

6. If you want to use your newly bought item, look at your Inventory.

7. You will see the item together with your other costumes.

That was really easy huh? Go ahead and experiment with your avatar’s style. Enjoy!

Virtual Pets